Category Archives for Grinding Tips


How to Put a Buffing Wheel on a Bench Grinder (Helpful Guide)

Bench grinders are handy tools. They can help reshape a piece of metal, take off burrs and sharp edges and even polish the metal for you. It is all in the wheel yo use. Changing the wheels from a regular

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Bench Grinder vs Angle Grinder: What’s the Difference?

There is a time and place for everything and this is the time and place to talk about bench grinders and angle grinders. Like bench grinders, angle grinders can make great contributions to your work duties.What

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Can You Grind Aluminum on a Bench Grinder? (How-to Guide)

Yes, it is possible to grind aluminum on a grinder but you need to be careful when you do it.You can grind just about anything you set your mind to grinding. The issue is are you prepared for the results

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Can You Use a Bench Grinder on Wood

Can You Use a Bench Grinder on Wood? (Helpful How-To Guide)

Stone grinding wheels are designed to handle hard metals. Soft metals and wood items do not usually grind away nice and smoothly on this wheels. They usually break off into small chunks and you run the

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Easy Tips To Stop Bench Grinder Vibration

6 Easy Tips To Stop Bench Grinder Vibration

Like all power tools, you may experience some vibrations when you are using your new bench grinder. This is a common problem but one that needs to be taken care of before you hurt your bench grinder or

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Can You Slow Down a Bench Grinder?

Can You Slow Down a Bench Grinder?

Bench grinders are fantastic tools. The latest and most expensive bench grinders come with variable speed settings. But perhaps like me, you have an older model and would like to be able to lower the

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